S. Mohammadshahi, F. S. Fanasia, H. Ling, “Effects of Reynolds number and texture dimensions on plastron stability of superhydrophobic surface with transverse grooves in turbulent flows”. Submitted.
H. Ling, I. Rodriguez, “Bubble pinch-off on superhydrophobic surface”. Submitted.
A. Gupta, H. Ling, Extend plastron longevity on superhydrophobic surface using gas soluble and gas permeable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Biomimetics 10(1), 45. (2025). PDF.
D. O’Coin, H. Ling, Effect of gas flow rate on bubble formation on superhydrophobic surface. Droplet. e148 (2025). PDF.
D. O’Coin, H. Ling, Dynamics of bubble formation on superhydrophobic surface under a constant gas flow rate at quasi-static regime. Physics of Fluids 36, 083303 (2024).
M. Elius, S. Richard, K. Boyle, W.S. Chang, P. H. Moisander, H. Ling, Impact of Gas Bubbles on Bacterial Adhesion on Super-Hydrophobic Aluminum Surfaces. Results in Surfaces and Interfaces 15, 100211 (2024). PDF.
S. Mohammadshahi, D. O’Coin, H. Ling, Impact of sandpaper grit size on drag reduction and plastron stability of super-hydrophobic surface in turbulent flows. Physics of Fluids 36, 025139 (2024).
A. Nosrati, S. Mohammadshahi, M. Raessi, H. Ling, Impact of undersaturation level on the longevity of super-hydrophobic surfaces in stationary liquids. Langmuir 39(49), 18124-18131 (2023).
J. Breveleri, S. Mohammadshahi, T. Dunigan, H. Ling, Plastron Restoration for Underwater Super-Hydrophobic Surface by Porous Material and Gas Injection, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 676: 132319 (2023).
M. Elius, K. Boyle, W.S. Chang, P. H. Moisander, H. Ling, Comparison of 3D motion of bacteria with and without wall accumulation. Physical Review E 108 (1): 014409 (2023).
S. Mohammadshahi, J. Breveleri, H. Ling, Fabrication and characterization of super-hydrophobic surfaces based on sandpapers and nano-particle coatings. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 666: 131358 (2023).
O’Coin, G. E. McIvor, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, H. Ling, Velocity correlations in jackdaw flocks in different ecological contexts. Physical Biology 20(1): 016005 (2023).
M. Elius, H. Ling, Effect of hologram plane location on 3D particle tracking using digital holographic microscopy. Applied Optics. 61(32), 9415-9422 (2022).
A. Bourgoun, H. Ling, A general model of the longevity of super-hydrophobic surfaces in under-saturated, stationary liquid. ASME. J. Heat Transfer. 144(4): 042101 (2022).
M. Shangraw, H. Ling, Improving axial localization of weak phase particles in digital in-line holography. Applied Optics. 60(24), 7099-7106 (2021).
M. Shangraw, H. Ling, Separating Twin Images in Digital Holographic Microscopy using Weak Scatterers. Applied Optics. 60(3), 626-634 (2021).
H. Ling, K. Sridhar, S. Gollapudi, J. Kumar, R. S. Ohgami, Measurement of Cell Volume Using In-Line Digital Holography. Microscopy. 70(4), 333-339 (2021).
H. Ling, Three-Dimensional Measurement of a Particle Field Using Phase Retrieval Digital Holography. Applied Optics. 59(12), 3551-3559 (2020).
H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, J. Westley, K. van der Vaart, R. T. Vaughan, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, Behavioural plasticity and the transition to order in jackdaw flocks. Nature Communications. 10, 5174 (2019).
H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, J. Westley, K. van der Vaart, R. T. Vaughan, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, Collective turns in jackdaw flocks: kinematics and information transfer. J. R. Soc. Interface. 16, 20190450 (2019).
G. Nagy, A. Thornton, H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, N. T. Ouellette, R. T. Vaughan, (2019) Computational and Structural Advantages of Pairwise Flocking. IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, K. van der Vaart, R. T. Vaughan, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, Local interactions and their group-level consequences in flocking jackdaws. Proceedings of the Royal Society of B. 286, 20190865 (2019).
H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, K. van der Vaart, R. T. Vaughan, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, Costs and benefits of the social relationship in the collective motion of bird flocks. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3(6), 943-948 (2019). Read the accompanying “Behind the paper” blog post.
Before 2019
H. Ling, G. E. McIvor, G. Nagy, S. MohaimenianPour, R. T. Vaughan, A. Thornton, N. T. Ouellette, Simultaneous measurements of three-dimensional trajectories and wingbeat frequencies of birds in the field. J. R. Soc. Interface. 15, 20180653 (2018).
H. Ling, M. Fu, M. Hultmark, J. Katz, Effect of Reynolds number and saturation level on gas diffusion in and out of a super-hydrophobic surface. Phys. Rev. Fluids. 2, 124005 (2017).
H. Ling, S. Srinivasan, K. Golovin, G. H. McKinley, A. Tuteja, J. Katz, High-resolution velocity measurement in the inner part of turbulent boundary layers over super-hydrophobic surfaces. J. Fluid Mech. 801, 670-703 (2016).
H. Ling, S. Srinivasan, K. Golovin, V. Pillutla, Abhijeet, G. H. McKinley, A. Tuteja, W. Choi, J. Katz, Flow structure and turbulence in the inner part of turbulent boundary layers over super-hydrophobic surfaces. The 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey, California, USA. (2016)
V. Pillutla, Abhijeet, H. Ling, L. Rodriguez, D. B. C. Rodrigues, J. Katz, W. Choi, Robust drag reduction superhydrophobic surfaces with large slip lengths. The 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey, California, USA. (2016)
H. Ling, J. Katz, Separating twin images and locating the center of a microparticle in dense suspensions using correlations among reconstructed fields of two parallel holograms. Appl. Opt. 53(27), G1-G11 (2014).
H. Ling, Y. Zhu, R. Xiong, L. Wang, F. Xiao, M. Xu, J. Yang, The behaviors of a drop in ambient liquid under a sudden impact. The 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK. (2011)