The FITs lab successfully hosted a summer workshop!

The FITs lab successfully hosted a one-week summer workshop for 8 high school students on a topic of “Fundamental, fabrication, application, and challenges of superhydrophobic surface“. The students learned various aspects of superhydrophobic material through various lab activities and hands-on experiments. This workshop was supported by NSF and Massachusetts Life Science Center program. Special thank you to our lab members (Ankit, Daniel, Shabnam, Dillon, and Isaac) who hosted the lab activities.

New paper published on Results in Surfaces and Interfaces. Congratulations to Elius!

Super-hydrophobic surface (SHS), which traps micro/nano-scale gas bubbles on solid walls, has been reported to greatly reduce bacterial adhesion and biofouling. However, it is unclear whether and how the trapped gas bubbles reduce the bacterial adhesion. In this work, we examined the role of the trapped gas on the bacterial adhesion by measuring the spatial distributions of attached bacteria on SHS using scanning electron microscopy. Full article is available here.

This work is funded by UMass Dartmouth’s Marine and Undersea Technology (MUST) Research Program funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under Grant No. N00014-20-1-2170. The Office of Technology Commercialization & Ventures (OTCV) Technology Development Fund from University of Massachusetts’s President’s Office.

Dr. Ling received the NSF CAREER award. Congratulation!

Dr. Ling received the NSF CAREER award with an amount of $505,075. The project title is: “CAREER: Diffusive and Convective Gas Dissolution over Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces”. In this project, Dr. Ling aims to understand the gas dissolution process over Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces through innovative experiments and develop new strategies to extend the longevity of gas. This project has an education plan including five activities: undergraduate student-lead original research, summer workshop for high-school students, table-top experiments for K-12 students, class trip to a local autonomous underwater vehicle manufacturer, and technology showcase to marine industry in the Southeastern New England area.

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